Eovia's Carrara 5 includes:
Ambient Occlusion
Ambient occlusion is a technique that has been used in movies for years to simulate global illumination. By controlling the amount of ambient light that objects receive depending on their local configuration, ambient occlusion creates a very soft lighting solution that is similar to a global illumination solution but without its cost in rendering time. So you can render your scenes more quickly and accurately.
Translucency is a new material channel that allows the surfaces which have the shader to let the light to pass though diffusely. With this feature, you can give a more realistic aspect to your tree leaves, grasses, and flower petals, create accurate paper shaders, and more.
Subsurface Scattering
Subsurface scattering is the light that scatters inside an object and filters through in a diffuse manner. This is absolutely necessary for creating realistic skin, marble, milk, and more. Your images will look more realistic than ever before with Carrara 5 software.
Microdisplacement or displacement mapping
The displacement mapping in Carrara 5 lets you deform the surface of an object using a shading function (texture map or procedural shader). The displacement creates actual geometry, as opposed to bump mapping which only modifies the lighting of the surface to simulate the change of the depth. With displacement mapping, shadows are correct and even the edge of the object is deformed. The import of 16-bit texture maps has been added for better compatibility with ZBrush, allowing to import easily ZBrush displacement mapped objects into Carrara 5.
Fresnel Effect
Carrara 5 delivers the capability to create realistic surface reflections thanks to the incorporation of the Fresnel effect. In a transparent material like glass, the reflection and transparency depends on the angle of view. For instance, if you are facing a window most of the light goes through and there is very little reflection. However at low angle, the glass becomes a very reflective surface. This is the Fresnel effect. This is very useful when creating transparent material such as glass, but also for water surfaces (ocean, lakes, etc.).
Anisotropic Lighting
The default lighting model of Carrara is well adapted materials that scatter light identically in all directions. However, light does not scatter uniformly on all materials, such as on the surface of a CD. The new Anisotropic lighting model of Carrara 5 lets you simulate some of those materials more accurately.
Fly Through Optimizations
Animating global illumination can be very difficult and slow. It also tends to have some flickering effects. The new fly through optimization in Carrara 5 is designed to let you animate your camera through your scene without recalculating the whole lighting solution at every frame. This leads to much faster rendering time (as much as five times faster or more) and an animation without flickering. This is very useful when animating a camera pass through a building or a landscape.
Redesigned Material Editor
The ergonomy of the Carrara 5 material editor has been greatly improved, allowing you to create complex materials easier and faster. Previews have been added at each level of the shading tree so that you can see the effect of each modification at each level.
Inclusions and Exclusions Lists for Lights
With this feature, you can determine which lights will affect which objects in your scenes, enabling you to build complex lighting for your 3D scenes much more easily. You can also create special effects with your lights in just a couple clicks!
Save/Load Irradiance Maps
Save the lighting solution that you obtained with global illumination or ambient occlusion and reuse it as many times as you want. This lets you render a scene from several points of view without recalculating the lighting solution for each new render.
Volumetric Clouds
In addition to the physical simulation of the sky of Carrara, you can now add volumetric 3D clouds that realistically scatter the light of the atmosphere. You can control their shape and appearance, place them in 3D and animate them.
Improved Particle Generator
The new particle generator in Carrara 5 allows you to create fluid and volumetric effects. New rendering options have been added allowing you to use splats (squares oriented towards the direction of view) or metaballs in addition to triangles and spheres. The particles now interact realistically with other objects and physical forces in your scene. The editor has been completely redesigned to make it easier to create beautiful effects. Particles can be generated directly from the surface of an object. Objects in your scene can be used as particles, allowing you to create bees swarms, falling leaves, bird flocks, and more quickly and easily.
Joint Orientation
You can now control the orientation of the joints in your skeleton so that that you can set up better constraints on your joints. To make it even easier, an automatic orientation is performed when you create the bones.
Skinning - Weightmaps Painting
Paint the weights directly on the surface of your characters. This simple tool lets you quickly edit the influence of the bones on the deformation of the surface.
Bounding box display for skinned objects
Display your skinned models with bounding boxes to significantly speed up manipulation on heavy meshes and to adjust and improve your animation in real time.
Graph Editor (Pro Version)
Creating professional quality animation is now easier than ever with Carrara 5. The new graph editor gives you direct access to the motions curves of your objects as well as the animations of your parameters allowing you precise control of their animation.
Carrara 5 Features:
User Interface
- Redesigned User Interface
- Custom Keyboard shortcuts
- Update Notification
- New Presets
- Tips Dialog
- Now in both versions - Sound support
- SMP/Multiple Processor Support
- MMX Support
- SmartFlow
- Assemble Room
- Model Room
- Texture Room
- Storyboard Room
- Render Room
- Scene Wizard
- 64 Levels of Undo/Redo
- Hot Keys
- Drag and Drop
- Browser Tray
- Properties Tray
- Multi-Monitor Support
- Carrara SDK
- Select Language
- Maximum Undo Level
- Multiple Monitor Settings
- Window Mode
- Full Screen Mode
- User Interface Color Scheme
- User Interface Effects
- 3DView Manipulators display size
- 3DView Nudge size
- 3D Units
- Production Frame Safe Area
- Imaging, Scratch Disk
- Drag and drop object into scene
- Drag and drop objects into Browser
- Save object in browser
- Save Shaders in browser
- Save Effects in browser
- Redesigned Browser/Wizards
- Wizard mode in browser
- Edit Wizard in browser
- Save atmospheres in browser
- trees presets
- particules presets
- clouds presets
Interactivity and Previews
- Software Interactive Rendering
- Improved - Open GL rendering
- Multiple lightmaps
- Camera Navigation with 3-button mouse
- Bounding Box Rendering
- Wireframe Rendering
- Lit Wireframe Rendering
- Flat Shaded Rendering
- Gouraud Rendering
- Improved - Textured Rendering
- Sketch Rendering
- Antialias Wireframe
- Wireframe Working Box
- Improved - Reflections
- Transparency
- Solid Working Box
- Object Silhouettes
- Rendering Mode Degradation
- Level of Details
- Front View
- Back View
- Left View
- Right View
- Top View
- Bottom View
- Isometric View
- Camera Views
- 1,2,3 or 4 Views
3D Primitives:
- Cube
- Cylinder
- Cone
- Fountain Primitive
- Icosahedron
- Infinite Plane
- Plane
- Sphere
- Target Helper
- Terrain Primitive
- Text Primitive
- Tree Primitive
Volume Primitives:
- Volumetric Clouds
- Cloud Primitive
- 4D Clouds
- Fire Primitive
- Fog Primitive
- Conical
- Isometric
- Spherical Camera
- Depth of Field
- Raytraced Depth of Field
- Focal Length
- Animated Cameras
- Frame Aspect Ratios
- Tracking Controls
- Title and Action Safe Areas
- Point At Behavior
- Spot Lights
- Bulb Lights
- Sun Light
- Moon Light
- Distant Light
- Ambient Light
- Environment Lighting (Anything Glows)
- Animated Lights
- Images or Movies as Gels
- Color Control
- Intensity Control
- Falloff Control
- Half Angle
- Range
- Angular Falloff
- Angle Control
- Cast Shadows
- Shadow Intensity
- Raytraced Hard Shadow
- Raytraced Soft Shadow
- Soft Shadow
- Soft Shadow Resolution
- Soft Shadow Blur Size
- Soft Shadow Bias
- Include/Exclude objects from lighting
Scene Building and Navigation
- Camera navigation with 3 buttons mouse.
- Smooth a selection of objects.
- Translation Manipulators
- Object replicator.
- Replicate objects on the surface of another object.
- Scaling Manipulators
- Rotation Sphere
- Nudge translation/scale/rotation with arrow keys
- World Coordinate System
- Local Coordinate System
- Move Tool
- Rotate Tool
- Scale Tool
- Shader Eye Dropper Tool
- Track XY, YZ, XZ Tool
- Dolly Tool
- Pan Tool
- Bank Tool
- View Zoom Tool
- 2D Zoom Tool
- 2D Pan Tool
- Area Render Tool
- Cut, Copy, Paste
- Delete
- Duplicate
- Duplicate with Symmetry
- Flip
- Select All
- Group and Ungroup Objects
- Align
- Send to Origin
- Center Hot Point
- Point At
- Fit View to Selected
- Fit View to All
- Boolean Intersection
- Boolean Union
- Boolean Subtraction
- Infinite Ground Plane Grid
- Geometry Mirroring
- Collision Detection
- Hierarchical Linking
- Numerical Input
- Model/Scene Statistics
Object Properties
- Visible / Invisible
- Animated
- Shadow Catcher
- Cast Shadows
- Receives Shadows
- Show Object in 3D View
- Show Backfaces
- Smart Backfaces
- Hide Backface
- Object URL
- Object Coordinates
- Object Sizes
- Object Rotations
- Blur Object
- Density
- Bounce Factor
- Friction Factor
- Improved - Polygonal Modeler (Vertex Modeler)
- Spline Modeler
- Text Modeler
- Metaball Modeler
- Terrain Modeler
- Tree Modeler
- Formula Modeler
- Convert to other Modeler
Polygon Modeler (Vertex Modeler)
- 3D Manipulators: rotate, scale and translate
- Universal Manipulator.
- Paint Selection
- Lasso Selection
- loop, rings, between, inverse, shrink, grow selection
- Soft Selection
- Dissolve
- 2D Curves tools: Polyline,
- curves,
- interpolated curves
- circles (3 types)
- Arc circles (3 types)
- Polygon Tool
- Cut tool
- Bevel tool
- Extract Along Edge (Pro only)
- Extract Around (Pro only)
- Move Along (Pro only)
- Ruled surfaces (Pro only)
- Double sweep (Pro only)
- Coons surfaces (Pro only)
- Gordon Surfaces (Pro only)
- Subdivision surface Modeling
- Move
- Resize
- Rotate
- Weld
- Link, Unlink
- Detach Polygons
- Flatten
- Send to drawing plane
- Deform
- Decimate
- Triangulate
- Subdivide
- Surface Subdivision
- Fill Polygon
- Empty Polygon
- Invert Selection
- Save Selection
- Multi-save Selection
- Restore Selection
- Select Polymeshes, Vertices, Polygons, Edges by Name
- Deselect Polymeshes, Vertices, Polygons, Edges by Name
- Select Polymeshes, Vertices, Polygons, Edges by Shading Domain
- Deselect Polymeshes, Vertices, Polygons, Edges by Shading Domain
- Individual Polygon/Polyline Manipulation
- Smooth Edges
- Crease Edges
- Name Polygons
- Name Edges
- NameVertices
- Align
- Set Polymesh Size
- Improved - Booleans
- Boolean Union
- Boolean Intersection
- Boolean Subtraction
- Name Polymesh
- Flip Polymesh Normals
- Insert Sphere
- Insert Polyhedra
- Insert Cube
- Insert Cylinder
- Insert Array of Rectangles
- Insert Rectangle
- Insert Oval
- Extrude
- Sweep
- Lathe
- Loft
- Organic
- Add Thickness
- Offset Surface
- Sphere of Attraction
- Polyline Tool
- 3D Marquee Tool
- Magnet Tool
- Delete Tool
- Add Tool
- Crease Tool
- Animated Primitive
- Scene Preview
- Ghost Menu
- Duplicate
- Duplicate With Symmetry
- Replicate
- Flip
- Dynamic Extrusion Tool
- Shading Domains
- Tesselate Tool
- Selection Mode (vertex/edge/polygon/all)
- Active Tool properties
- Interactive Cursor
- Shading Domain (texture area): create, delete, rename
- Backdrop Image
- Textured Mode (interactive renderer and Area Render)
- UV Editor: Planar Projection
- UV Editor: Box Projection
- UV Editor: Cylindrical Projection
- UV Editor: Spherical Projection
- UV Editor: Move, scale, rotate
- UV Editor: Cut all or part of a projection
- UV Editor: Export
- UV Editor: 3D view
- UV Editor: create/remove discontinuity on vertices
- Advanced Subdivision Surface Smoothing
- Real Time Editing of Subdivision surface
- Faster - subdivision surfaces (Smoothing)
- Subdivision Surface: Multiple Levels of Smoothing
- Model directly on the smoothed surface.
- different subdivision level for modeling and rendering
- Subdivision Surface Edge Creasing
- Multiple Morph Area per Mesh
- Multiple Morph Targets Per Mesh
- Automatic sliders for Morph Target Animation
- Import/Export morph targets
- Edit object with skinning
Spline Modeler
- Center Section
- Next Section
- Previous Section
- Go to Section
- Create Section
- Create Multiple Sections
- Remove Section
- Fill Cross Section
- Disconnect Section
- Skin Shape to Shape
- Skin Point to Point
- Scale Selection
- Rotate Selection
- Combine as Compound
- Break Apart Compound
- Convert Text to Outlines
- Translation Extrusion
- Pipeline Extrusion
- Symmetrical Extrusion Envelope
- Symmetrical in Plane Extrusion Envelope
- Free Extrusion Envelope
- Reset Envelope
- Straight Preset
- Spiral Preset
- Torus Preset
- Surface Fidelity
- Pen Tool
- Convert Point Tool
- Delete Point Tool
- Add Point Tool
- Draw Rectangle Tool
- Draw Rounded Rectangle Tool
- Draw Oval Tool
- Draw Polygon Tool
- Draw Text Tool
- Group Section
- Ungroup Section
- Multiple Cross Sections in Skin Plane
- Hinging Bezier Handles
- Aligning Bezier Handles
- Scene Preview
- Ghost Menu
- Bevels
Metaball Modeler
- Primitive Preview
- Particle Preview
- Real Time Metaball Preview
- Wireframe Preview
- Shaded Preview
- Positive Sphere Tool
- Positive Cube Tool
- Positive Cylinder Tool
- Positive Cushion Tool
- Negative Sphere Tool
- Negative Cube Tool
- Negative Cylinder Tool
- Negative Cushion Tool
- Surface Fidelity
- Mesh Mode
- Spike Mode
- Surface Threshold
- Scene Preview
- Animated Primitive
- Scene Preview
- Ghost Menu
Text Modeler
- Turn any TrueType font into 3D Text
- Patch Base 3D Text
- Front Face Bevel
- Back Face Bevel
- Five Bevel Types
- Bevel Depth
- Bevel Height
- 3D Text Depth
- 3D Text Alignment
- 3D Text Leading
- 3D Text Font Size
- 3D Text Scaling
- 3D Text Word Spacing
- 3D Text Letter Spacing
Terrain Modeler
- Build Terrain using a Filter Stack
- Multiple Parameters Terrain Generators
- Multiple Parameters Terrain Filters
- Construction History
- 26 Terrain Presets
- Multi Layer Terrain Shader
- Real-Time 3D preview of Terrain
- Terrain maps up to 8192x8192
- Direct Editing of Terrain Maps
- Import Image as Terrain Height Field
- Export Terrain as Image
- Import RAW Terrain Data (.raw, .r32)
- Crater Generator
- Hill Generator
- Mesa Generator
- Round Mountains Generator
- Smooth Mounts Generator
- Smooth Plains Generator
- Straight Mountains Generator
- Valley and Mountains Generator
- Valley and Straight Mountains Generator
- Displacement Generator
- Dome Generator
- Gradient Generator
- Fractal Generator
- Canyon Filter
- Erosion Filter
- Gaussian Filter
- Glaciate Filter
- Invert Filter
- Noise Filter
- Plateau Filter
- Scale Height Filter
- Smooth Filter
- Terrace Filter
- Zero Edge Filter
- Elevation Paint Tool
- Real-Time 3D feedback while Painting
- Raise Lower Terrain Tool
- Add Crater Tool
- Water Erosion Tool
- Shuffle
Formula Modeler
- Multiple Input Parameters
- Multiple Functions (Sin, Cos, Log)
- Animatable Formula
- Scene Preview
Tree Modeler
- 28 Tree Presets
- 26 Types of Leaves
- Custom Leaf Types
- Custom Tree Types
- Preview
- Ramified Trees (L-System)
- Procedural Trees
- Mixed Procedural and Ramified Trees
- Branch Curvature
- Gravity Effects
- Atomize
- Bend
- Black Hole
- Bounce
- Budge
- Circular Wave
- Dissolve
- Explode
- Formula
- Inverse Kinematics
- IK terminator
- Linear Wave
- Morpher
- Offset
- Point At
- Punch
- Rotate
- Random Deformer
- Scale
- Shake
- Shatter
- Shear
- Spherical Morph
- Spikes
- Spin
- Stretch
- Taper
- Track
- Twist
- Warp
- Wave
Key Frame Animation
- Animation Preview Controls
- Animation of object motion
- Animation of shaders
- Key Frame Editing (Sequencer)
- Copy-Paste Key Frames
- Scale Key Frames Selection
- Repeat Key Frames Selection
- Linear Interpolation (Tweener)
- Bezier Interpolation
- Spline Interpolation
- Discrete Interpolation
- Formula Interpolation
- Oscillate Interpolation
- Velocity Interpolation
- Ease In/Ease Out
- Storyboarding
- Multiple types of constraints: 2D Plane, Axis, Ball Joint ,Custom, Lock, Shaft, Slide
Graph Editor NEW (Pro Only)
- Edit Motion curves
- Zoom To Selection
- Zoom to Playback time
- Edit multiple curves together
- Edit Tangents
- Link/Unlink tangents
- Behavior-Based Animation
- Point At Behavior
- Track Behavior
- Spin Behavior
Motion Paths
- Editable Motion Paths
- Move entire Motion Path
- Align and Bank
- Align
- Do not Align
Sound Support - Now in both versions
- Multiple Soundtracks
- Import WAV files
- Import AIFF Files
- Move Sounds in Sequence
- Display of Waveform
- Save Sounds with Movie (QuickTime® only)
Character Animation
- Weightmaps Painting
- Joint Orientation
- Skeleton Creation Tool (Bone Tool)
- Automatic Calculation of Bones Influences
- Automatic Skinning
- Attach Skeleton
- Detach Skeleton
- Send Bones to Reference Position
- Joints Constraints
- Edit Bones Influences over a Vertex
- Edit Bones Influences over Multiple Vertices
- Edit Object with Skinning in Vertex Modeler
- Compatible with Morph Targets
- Inverse Kinematics
- IK Chain Tool
- IK Target Helper
- Forward Kinematics
Particle System - IMPROVED
- Particle Editor
- Facing Camera (Splats)
- Metaballs
- Particles collide with objects
- Apply forces to particles
- Objects as particles
- Emit from objects
- Bound System
- Free System
- Multiple Particle Shapes: Triangle, Rectangle, Diamond and Sphere
- Particle Frequency
- Particle Lifetime
- Particle Velocity
- Birth Color
- Death Color
- Presets
- Emit Duration
- Emit Area
- Emit Dispersion
- Freeze Particles
- Air Friction
- Floor Friction
- Bounce Factor
- Gravity
- Particle Spawning at Collisions
- Particle Spawning at Age
- Maximum Spawn
- Spawn Velocity
- Spawn Radius
- Spawn Force
- Spawn Angle
- Preview Particle System
Texture / Shading
Shading functions
- Drag and drop Shaders
- Master Shader (Instancing)
- One Master Shader per shading domain
- Apply Shader to a Group
- Multi Channel
- Projection Mapping
- Layer List
- Multi Channel Mixer
- Color Channel
- Alpha Channel
- Highlight Channel
- Shininess Channel
- Bump Channel
- Bump Amplitude
- Reflection Channel
- Blury reflections in shader
- Transparency Channel
- Refraction Channel
- Fresnel Effect
- Glow Channel
- Subsurface scattering
- Translucency
- Shadow catcher
- Anisotropic lighting model
- Parametric Mapping
- UV Mapping
- UV Translation
- UV Rotation
- Planar Mapping
- Cubic Mapping
- Cylindrical Mapping
- Spherical Mapping
- Rectangular Layer
- Polygonal Layer
- Oval Layer
- Texture Map
- Texture Map Filtering
- Texture Map Seamless Tiling
- Rotoscoping
- Shader Transform
- Add Operator
- Mixer Operator
- Multiply Operator
- Subtract Operator
- Overlay Operator
- Cellular Procedural Shader
- Marble Procedural Shader
- Wood Procedural Shader
- Spot Procedural Shader
- Checker Procedural Shader
- Formula Procedural Shader
- Gradient Procedural Shader
- Color Gradient Procedural Shader
- Curve Procedural Shader
- Environment Procedural Shader
- Julia Set Procedural Shader
- Mandelbrot Set Procedural Shader
- Psychedelic Procedural Shader
- Wires Procedural Shader
- Fire Procedural Shader
- Snow Procedural Shader
- Ripples Procedural Shader
- Waves Procedural Shader
- Noise Shader 1
- Noise Shader 2
- Fractal Noise Shader
- Improved Procedural Woods
- Procedural Brick Shader
- Procedural Turbulence Shader
- Spherical Gradient Shader
- True Refraction Index Shader
- Lines, Square, Shaders
- Eyedropper Tool
Texture Editor
- Shading Tree editor
- Build complex shading tree
- Explorer type view
- Preview at each level of the shader tree.
- Apply shader per shading domain
- Raytraced preview of the texture
- Preview shading on object with actual transform and scaling
- Auto/Manual redraw of the preview
- Copy-Paste in shader tree.
- Edit displacement mapping.
- shader Wizard
Subsurface scattering
- Physical simulation of sub-surface scattering
- Translucency
- Diffuse Reflection
- Optimized hierarchical algorithm.
Displacement Mapping
- Fully integrated in shader
- Displace with procedural maps
- Subdivision with smoothing
- Adaptive subdivision
- Render time displacement
- Displace by procedural function
- Displace by texture map
- Import ZBrush displacement maps
Rendering and Output
- Hybrid Ray Tracer Rendering
- Global Illumination Rendering
- Ambient Occlusion
- Subsurface scattering
- High Dynamic Range Images Lighting (HDRI)
- Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR)
- Cartoon Rendering
- Gouraud Rendering
- Multiprocessor rendering (SMP)
- Sketch Rendering
- Wireframe Rendering
- Zbuffer Rendering
- Fly through optimizations for Global Illumination.
- Save/Load Irradiance maps (Pro only)
- Network Rendering - (Pro only)
- Field Rendering
- Sky Dome Illumination
- Raytraced Shadows
- Raytraced Soft Shadows
- Shadow Buffers (for fast Soft Shadows)
- Raytraced Reflections
- Blurry Reflections
- Bump Mapping
- Displacement Mapping
- Transparency
- True Refraction
- Fresnel Effect
- Translucency
- Indirect Illumination (Radiosity)
- Area Light Sources
- Object as Light Sources
- Fast Indirect Lighting Preview
- Photon Mapping
- Reflection Caustics
- Refraction Caustics
- Depth Of Field Post-renderer
- Raytraced Depth Of Field
- 3D Motion Blur
- Motion Blur Post-renderer
- Vector Motion Blur - (Pro only)
- Shadow Catching (for compositing)
- Alpha Channel Rendering
- Transparency in Alpha Channel
- Pre-multiplied Alpha
- Marquee Selection Area Render
- User selectable Detail Accuracy
- 4 levels of Adaptive Antialiasing
- Image Filtering (for Antialiasing)
- Texture Filtering
- Batch Queue Rendering
- Rendering Statistics
- 8 Bits GBuffers
- Floating Point GBuffers (RPF)
- Fragment Color (RPF)
- Fragment Distance
- Fragment Coverage (RPF)
- Object Index
- Surface Coordinates (UV)
- Normal Vector
- 3D Position
- Backdrop
- Bi-Gradient Background
- Color Background
- Formula Background
- HDRI Backgrounds
- Images as Background
- Movies as Background
Sky Simulation
- Physical Simulation of the sky
- Accurate sky color calculation depending on Sun Position
- Threaded Preview on Current Scene
- Haze Simulation
- Exposure Control
- 2D Cloud Simulation and Lighting
- Multiple Cloud layers
- Multiple types of clouds
- Control cloud shape, coverage, thickness
- Clouds Animation
- Global Atmosphere scaling
- Aerial Perspective Simulation
- Sun positioning from time and space information
- Fog simulation
- Haze and Clouds simulation consistent with the physical model
- Background/Backdrop visible through atmosphere
Volumetric Clouds
- Extremely realistic volumetric clouds simulation.
- Create an unlimited number of different clouds
- Full control over the shape, density and noise function
- Full lighting simulation with sun light or all lights.
- Skylight in clouds
- Global illumination effects
- Full integration in the atmospheric simulation.
Volumetric 3D Light Cones
- Apply Gel to light cone.
- Turbulence
- 3D Shadows
Volumetric 3D Light Spheres
- Realistic light sphere
- Turbulence
Light Effects
- Cross Screen
- Glow
- Nebula
- Pulsator
- Stars
- Variocross
Lens Flares
- Lens Flare Editor
- 25 Presets
- Brightness
- Light Glow
- Streak Intensity
- Streak Color
- Streak Rotation
- Halo Color
- Halo Intensity
- Halo Scale
- Reflection Type
- Reflection Intensity
- Reflection Scale
3D Aura
- Aura around glowing objects
- Per Object Aura
Import Export
3D File Import
- FBX 6 (Pro only)
- Matchmoving and tracking data from Syntheyes and MatchMover Pro (Pro only)
- Poser Native Import - CR2, CRZ, PP2, PPZ, PZ3
- TransPoser 2 included in Pro
- Amapi 3D - A3D/A3P
- 3DMF
- 3DS
- BVH - Motion Capture files (Pro only)
- COB (Pro only)
- Infini-D
Poser Native Import
- Native import with Bones, Morph targets, clothes, props.
- Clothes Import
- Morph Targets import
- Pose Import
- Poser 4 Hair style
- Binary Morph targets
- OBJZ support
- Animate Poser figure inside Carrara
- Import Poser figures without Poser being present.
- Compatible with Poser 4,5,6
TransPoser 2 (Included in Pro Version, plugin for Carrara 5)
- Import figures with textures, hair, props, animation
- Dynamic clothes support
- Poser 6 support
- Dynamic Hair support
- Network Rendering
- Update Button
3D File Export
- After Effects Camera Export (Pro only)
- FBX 6 (Pro only)
- 3DMF
- 3DS
- Macromedia® Shockwave® 3D
- VET - Viewpoint Experience Technology (Windows only)
- VRML 2
2D File Import
- Adobe® Illustrator® v8 compatible
(as cross-sections in Spline Modeler)
- Adobe Photoshop®
- AVI Movies (Win)
- BMP (Win)
- Corel Photo-Paint® (Win)
- PICT (Mac)
- PCX (Win)
- QuickTime® Movies
- Targa TGA
- TrueType Fonts (as fonts in Text Modeler)
2D File Export
- RPF for After Effects and Combustion (Pro only)
- Adobe® Photoshop
- Animated GIF
- AVI Movies (Win)
- BMP (Win)
- Corel Photo-Paint® (Win)
- EPSF (Mac)
- PCX (Win)
- PICT (Mac)
- QuickTime® Movies
- Sequenced Image Output (for all 2D file types)
- Targa TGA
Web File Export and Features
- Animated GIF file support
- GIF file support
- Macromedia® Shockwave® 3D
- VET - Viewpoint Experience Technology (Win only)
- VRML 1 and 2 output
- Flash (SWF) through VectorStyle 2 plugin. (Sold separately).
Carrara 5 System Requirements:
Minimum System Requirements
- Pentium II 300Mhz or better
- Windows 2000/XP/ME (with SP3 or later)
- 128 MB of RAM (256 MB recommended)
- 16-bit Color Display (24-bit recommended)
- CD-ROM Drive
- 300 MB free hard drive space
- 3D graphics accelerator card recommended
- Power Macintosh G3 266Mhz or better
- Mac OS X 10.1 or later
- 128 MB of RAM (256 MB recommended)
- 16-bit Color Display (24-bit recommended)
- CD-ROM Drive
- 300 MB free hard drive space
- 3D graphics accelerator card recommended
Recommended System Requirements
- Pentium IV 1.5 Ghz or better
- Windows 2000 / XP
- 512 MB of RAM
- 24-bit Color Display
- 3D OpenGL graphics accelerator card
- CD-ROM Drive
- 300 MB free hard drive space
- Power Macintosh G5 2 GHz or better
- Mac OS X 10.4 or higher
- 512 MB of RAM
- 24-bit Color Display
- 3D OpenGL graphics accelerator card
- CD-ROM Drive
- 300 MB free hard drive space