Eovia Hexagon 2 delivers all the tools a graphic artist needs to create complete, detailed, textured 3D models ready to be rendered.
In addition to the extensive range of modeling features provided in its original release,
This page will give you an idea of the key features of Eovias Hexagon 2 and the system requirements of Eovias Hexagon 2.
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From subdivision modeling to advanced surface construction tools and volumic operations, Hexagon provides multiple polyhedral 3D modeling techniques, allowing hassle-free modeling of all shapes from simple to intricate.
The new geometry and high-resolution relief (microdisplacement) brushes bring unique and highly creative tools to refine and add extremely fine details to the 3D models.
Applying a UV-map over objects is easily facilitated thanks to a UV-unfold tool and a comprehensive UV-mapping module.
Choose among the impressive set of predefined textures, provided by Spiral Graphics GeneticaTM 2.5, or import any textures, and use multi-channel 3D brushes to paint your model. (Textured OpenGL display in Hexagon 2)
An Advanced Preview engine, including Ambient Occlusion, real-time shadows and advanced lightmaps support, delivers immediate renders of fully detailed and textured models. (Ambient Occlusion preview in Hexagon 2)
Export your fully prepared model to Eovia CarraraTM, Hexagon's 3D rendering companion or to other rendering products supporting standard 3D files, to finalize shaders, set-up lighting and environments, and develop fabulous images of the most inspired models. (Render in Carrara)
Smooth, pinch, inflate, push and pull polygons smoothly. Sculpt your shapes using displacement brushes, and refine the geometry of your models in a fully intuitive way.
Use brushes to add high-resolution details, and generate displacement maps or bump maps which then can be exported to Carrara and other external rendering packages. Hexagon 2 delivers a full set of predefined brushes, along with all parameters and options that let you create very fine displacements on your models, such as wrinkles, bumps, pleats and more.
To keep from generating heavy models while modeling very fine details, such as skin grain or micro-relief, Hexagon 2 let's you paint displacement as bumps. A bump map simulates geometric displacement, which then can be exported to your rendering software to generate highly realistic images of detailed surfaces.
To help reduce the sometimes tedious work of mapping UVs on a complex model, Hexagon 2 includes a UV-unfold tool. Simple define the seams and pinpoints, and your UV-model is automatically unfolded. You can then work on this unwrapped view to edit UVs much more easily.
The Hexagon 2 UV-module provides a combined 2D view of textures and of the UV-space. UVs can be manipulated thanks to Hexagon's advanced selections and manipulators. The UV-module also includes features such as "UV-detach" and "UV-merge", as well as a "Relax" function, which expands UVs at best across the mesh of the 3D model. The 2D UV-view is synchronized with the 3D views, and manipulations done in one of them is reproduced in real time in the other one.
Use one of the numerous predefined textures, provided by Spiral Graphics Genetica 2.5, or any imported texture, and directly paint material onto your 3D model, using the new brush tools.
Use all the power of your 3D paint and brush tools to directly create complex transparency areas and / or patterns, which otherwise could be extremely tedious to model with geometry.
Textures can be combined together as well as can single colors. Painting can be performed simultaneously on color, textures, transparency, bump and displacement. This unique capability lets you create a material which is a subtle combination between geometric reliefs and textures.
An advanced OpenGL engine provides an ultra-fast ambient occlusion, allowing you to get a very rich preview of your models, simulating global illumination, and better appreciation of details in your 3D objects and models.
An all-new option of the 3D display engine now delivers real-time shadows of the objects between them. This delivers a more realistic preview of your models and scenes before entering the final render stage.
Models can now be edited at every smoothing range (level of detail), and so once you have created very fine details with high-resolution smoothing, you can still modify lower levels of geometry, such as more global modifications of your model. These global modifications will also be propagated across the upper levels.
Hexagon 2 now handles large models more than 5-times faster than Hexagon 1! In fact, this become more evident and dramatic as the number of polygons in a model increases.
All construction and modeling tools now support advanced snapping on surfaces, allowing you to stitch on the surface of an object to draw a curve, and more.
Deformers (Twist, Bend, Taper) now work on subparts of objects. A new and more generic deformer has been added: the Free From Deformation Cage, which allows smooth complex deformations of a model, using a 3D Nurbs cage.
For complex tessellations, simply draw the tesselation path over the object using any curve or polyline. You'll now benefit from the new 'autosnap' mode which allows you to stitch your path onto the surface. The object will be tesselated following this path.
To enable even more precise and flexible modeling and texturing, Wintab-compatible tablets (such as the Wacom line) are now fully supported for 3D paint and displacement brushes.
For more even greater comfort and flexibility, the layout of the 3D views of the scene can be quickly adjusted.
To improve workflow, a contextual menu can be opened with a right click, providing instant access to all options and utilities according to the selected item(s) (Manipulator, Selection, Object, and more).
Each palette can now be detached from its panel, and docked on the screen. This allows you to customize your working environment for maximum productivity.
This feature provides a synchronized 3D view of the model, from any view angle, allowing you to better control the 3D impact of any manipulation.