Caligari's TrueSpace 6.6 Features:
- Built-in particle system, based on the trueParticles code, but enhanced.
The particles now have full interaction with tS physics, environments and other objects. Control over life and particle type is maintained and the particles are compatible with PyroCluster.
The range of effects is limitless for objects, water, smoke, or fire. Also, because the particles have real geometry, they reflect and cast shadows too.
The animations here show a range of effects, from a stream of water, to colored glows, through to a thousand shards and a thousand cubes bouncing off other objects!
- Metaballs can be used as the source for the global and interactive replace tools, with options to combine the targets into a single interactive metaball object.
- UV editing enhancements that include UV vertex welding and allow the manipulation of UV face selections to specific parts of a unified texture map.
- Further advances and improvements to physical simulation, for instance objects will now interact with animated objects as they are scaled.
UV mapping has been improved!
- A Viewer to preview scenes and objects in Windows Explorer (outside of TrueSpace).
- Over 24 general enhancements, including improvements to the Icon Helper, Selections, Arrays, UV mapping, Global replace, preference saving, SE object tree highlights, and clips that handle deformations.
- Over 120 fixes including fixes to the Mirror Modeler tool, editing skeletons, the shell tool, SDS, memory management, and more!
- Significant performance increases
- for example, skinning is faster by 20% to 67%, IK meshes are 25% faster, animated hierarchical objects faster by 33% against TrueSpace 6.5 and up to astounding 300 times faster in the case of realtime preview of an animation which includes a static object with a deep hierarchy!
TrueSpace 6.6 Features:
- New in 6.6! Over 24 general enhancements, including improvements to Selections, Arrays, preference saving, SE object tree highlights, and more
- Global and interactive replace
- New in 6.6! Use metaballs as the source for the Global and interactive replace (combining into a single interactive metaball object, if desired)
- Full color coded Layers support
- NURBS Trim Curve extrusion, Capping and Curve projection
- Projected Trim curves
- Improved Chamfers and Fillets
- Radial, Grid, and Spline array tools
- Curve along Radial and Spline array tools
- Curve from the edge
- Bend, Taper, and Skew deform tools
- Shelling and Mirrored Modeling
- New in 6.6! Mirror Modeler improved with SDS, and Weld now recognizes all SDS levels
- Full NURBS with Sweeps, Rails, Lofts, Skinning, and Cross-sections
- NURBS stitching, blending & cutting with trimming curves
- Selective Subdivision Surfaces
- New in 6.6! No limits on the Lathe tools Angle and radius
- Drawing on 3D objects
- Metaballs and Metamuscles
- PlastiForm
- Accurate collision detection
- Organic deformation
- Boolean operations
- Polygonal and spline based drawing
- Polygon editing and advanced sweeps
- Vertex weld and erase
- 3D primitives with Magic Ring control
- TrueType text
- Postscript import
- Advanced texture placement
- Real world dimensions
- Real World Units
- NURBS iso-curve to curve conversion
- NURBS Primitive creation with new Torus and Saddle primitives
- Snapping
- Surface Healing
- New in 6.6! Over 120 fixes, including to the Mirror Modeler, editing skeletons, the shell tool, SDS, memory management for rendering, and more
- Non Linear Animation (NLA) through use of Clips
- New in 6.6! Clips that handle deformations
- KeyFrame Editor
- Advanced Motion effects
- Scene Editor with soundtracks and layer paint AVI export
- Sounds attached to objects for dynamic rendering of the audio track of a scene with Doppler shift and attenuation
- New in 6.6! Improved sound quality
- New in 6.6! Option for Normalized Audio
- Facial Animator 1.2
- Animatable parameters for array tools and taper, bend, and skew tools
- Real time radiosity walkthrough
- Bones with deformable skin and muscles
- New in 6.6! Mirror and edit skeletons and attached meshes
- New in 6.6! Animated hierarchical objects faster by up to 300 times for realtime preview of animated scenes which include static objects with a deep hierarchy!
- Function Curves
- Scripting
- More accurate Physics
- Local Physical environments
- More accurate Collision
- Adhesion and breakable objects
- New in 6.6! Further advances to Physical Simulation, eg object interacts with other objects as it scales
- Wood and cloth materials physics materials
- New in 6.6! Built-in particles system creates geometry and reacts to other objects, and works under Physics and Physical environments
- Vertex animation on polyhedra, NURBS and subdivision surfaces
- Advanced material animation
- Spline-based paths
- Hierarchical animation
- Animation preview
- Animatable deformations, metaballs, materials, lights, cameras, etc
- Animated textures (AVI)
- Curve to Animation Path conversion
Rendering & Surfacing
- LightWorks 6.6 rendering engine
- Unwrapper with Slice
- Advanced UV Editor
- New in 6.6! Breaking and welding of vertices in a UV map, enhances the use of unified maps of all the textures used on an object
- UV Paint
- Texture Baking
- Light emitting objects
- Textured Area Lights
- Real time UV mapping controls
- Hybrid radiosity, ray tracing, Phong shading
- Image-based lighting
- Non-linear tone mapping editor
- Post process editor
- Advanced shaders (color, reflectance, transparency, displacement, background, foreground, post processing)
- Volumetric, Anisotropic reflectance
- Curvature visualization shaders
- Layered materials
- Shader Libraries
- Advanced IIR material editor
- 3D paint
- Area rendering
- Shadows, fog, motion blur, depth of field
- Lens flares
- Adaptive anti-aliasing, oversampling
- 8,000 x 8,000 pixel resolution
- Alpha-channel for trans-parency
- Area, projector, sky, spot, local, and infinite lights
- Physically accurate, goniometric lights
- Unlimited cameras
- Multi processor support
- Material editor with IIR support
3D Interface
- New in 6.6! Preview scenes and objects natively in Windows Explorer
- just like thumbnail previews of JPGs, but for .scn and .cob files
- Improved Object Placement.
- Object properties toolbar with notebook info
- Per-object Notebook Display
- Per object setting of real time display draw mode
- Mixed mode object display
- Primitive creation in side and front views
- Wire draw modes for objects and lights
- Real time, perspective, direct manipulation via 3D controls
- Fully customizable toolbars and work configuration libraries
- New in 6.6! Icon Helper, better Hot key assignment
- New in 6.6! Icon Helper, text search for tools is now available
- Advanced selection tools
- Draw Panel and Tri
- Panel for 2D drawing
- Integrated visual asset libraries
- Image Browser
- Context Editing
- Traditional 4-view
- Primitive placement options
- Light creation methods
- Copy in all views, including front and side
- Deformation tools
- Boolean tools
- Copy and Boolean UI
- Face accurate Object Picking
- Improved Library Browsing
- New in 6.6! Decimal symbol now displays according to the local Windows settings (based on country)
Hardware Acceleration
- Third generation D3D/OpenGL-based rendering engine
- Hardware T&L acceleration for radiosity walkthrough
- Intel Pentium3, Pentium4, and AMD 3DNOW! CPU optimisation
version Pack (available separately)
- DWG Support
- New in 6.6! DWG Support now with improved 2D imports
- New in 6.6! Improved X Format, with skinning and animation improvements, and animations attached to files
- Improved IGES, SAT, and STL format compatibility
- Much improved Viewpoint format
- New in 6.6! For Viewpoint format, normals are exported so faceted materials can be displayed
- ShockWave3D format
3D Import
- Improved X format and DXF format (full layer support) compatibility
3D Export
- Improved X format and DXF format (full layer support) compatibility
- SCN, COB, CAN, WRL 1.0 & 2.0, DXF, ASC, 3DS, X, iSpace format
2D Import
2D Export
TrueSpace 6.6 System Requirements:
- Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4, 2000, or XP
- AMD Athlon or Pentium 120 (Pentium4 or AMD K7 recommended)
- 64 MB RAM (128MB or more recommended)
- 50 MB free hard disk space
- 3D video card with at least 16MB of video memory and D3D or OGL drivers
Conversion Pack (available separately)
- DWG Support
- New in 6.6! DWG Support now with improved 2D imports
- New in 6.6! Improved X Format, with skinning and animation improvements, and animations attached to files
- Improved IGES, SAT, and STL format compatibility
- Much improved Viewpoint format
- New in 6.6! For Viewpoint format, normals are exported so faceted materials can be displayed
- ShockWave3D format