Google Analytics
We use Google analytics to understand how our website visitors engage with the website.
The analytics data is anonymised and does not identify individual visitors.
Google Analytics helps us to improve the visitor experience by understanding factors about our website such as how many times each page is visited, how often and for how long unique users visit the website and what keywords users search for to find our website.
None of this information can identify you personally. You can choose to decline Google Analytics cookies and you can also install the Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on in your browser, which prevents Google Analytics from collecting information about your website visits:
Google Adsense
The advertising on our website is delivered by Google Adsense.
This advertising uses cookies to discover general information about the pages you visit, and uses this information to serve you adverts that may be of interest to you.
This system is anonymised and does not know who you are. We do not have access to any of this information.
If you opt-out of receiving advertising cookies you will still see advertisements on our website, but they won't be tailored to you.
You can opt-out of targeted advertising here:
Twitter uses these technologies on their own websites and services and on other websites that have integrated their services.
This includes their advertising and platform partners' websites and sites that use Twitter buttons or widgets, like our Tweet or follow buttons.
Third parties may also use these technologies, for example, when you interact with their content from within their services, like when you click a link or stream media on Twitter from a third-party service, and to help with the delivery of ads shown on and off of Twitter.
Our website utilises the Facebook Like or Share button functionality to share content.
If you click the Like or Share button and log into Facebook via our website, Facebook will leave a cookie on your computer.
This is the same process as if you log into Facebook directly, or click Like and or Share on any other website.
Facebooks privacy policy is set out here
How to control the use of Cookies
If you do not want to accept cookies from this website on your device you can:
1) use the Google tools linked above to opt out of Google Analytics and Google Adsense;
2) find out more information about how Google Adsense and Google Analytics use cookies, including opt-out information, from Google's website at:
3) alter your security settings on your web browser (Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari etc.).
4) alter your
Twitter account settings.
You can find more information on changing your settings at:
How Google uses your data
How Twitter uses your data